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Attending ECOMONDO: Join our CFD Lecture

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Averil Fernandes from THINK Fluid Dynamix will give a presentation at ECOMONDO 2024

Lecture Quantitative Methods for Analyzing G-Values in Rapid Mixing and Flocculation Tanks using CFD Simulations

We invite you to the CFD-lecture by our expert Averil Fernandes, M.Eng, CFD & Biological Process Engineer at INVENT, at ECOMONDO 2024. She will be delivering an engaging presentation at the conference, which we encourage you to attend!

Title: Quantitative Analysis of Velocity Gradients in Rapid Mixing Tanks Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

This presentation introduces a novel approach to the analysis and characterization of rapid mixing and flocculation tanks using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. While rapid mixing chambers, designed for efficient initial contact and dispersion of the flocculant, are characterized by high velocity gradients and short residence times, flocculation tanks require a significantly larger volume, longer residence times, and gentle flow circulation to promote floc growth and aggregation. Traditional engineering practices have often relied on averaged parameters like the G-value (Camp and Stein, 1943) to describe the overall velocity gradient within a tank. However, these conventional methods fall short in providing a detailed understanding of local flow dynamics within the tank.

Using advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations, it is possible to conduct a more precise analysis of velocity gradients both locally (Eulerian approach) and on individual flocs (Lagrangian approach).

📅 Date: Thursday, 7th November 2024, 12.15 pm
📍 Location: Rimini RN, Italy – ECOMONDO Agorà Tiberio – Water Cycle Area pad. D8
Language: English

Watch the THINK Fluid Dynamix Video here!


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Join THINK Fluid Dynamix® at WEFTEC 2024

Our THINK Fluid Dynamix® expert will present on the topic of how CFD can be used as a tool in bridging between theory and reality. Don’t miss this chance to learn how CFD can benefit the wastewater industry —join us at the booth!

📅 Date: Oct 7 – 9, 2024
📍 Location: New Orleans, Louisiana

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solids suspension comparison cfd

Mixer sizing for solids suspension

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CFD in Industrial Mixing: Mixer sizing for solids suspension

We have conducted two separate CFD simulations comparing the impact of mixer diameter versus tank diameter on particle suspension using the same mixer type. The tank in both cases was cylindrical with a diameter and water height of 1.0m, and featured 4 baffles to enhance axial flow. The mixer diameter in the first simulation was 1/3 of the tank diameter, and in the second it was increased to 2/3 of the tank diameter.

Despite maintaining the same power input for both scenarios, the results were rather eye-opening! The smaller mixer, contrary to what many might expect, showed superior particle suspension and homogenization ability. Even though this phenomenon has been described by many authors in technical literature, there’s nothing quite like seeing it with your own eyes.

These simulations underline the significance of the ratio between tank diameter and mixer diameter in industrial applications. But there’s a bigger lesson here – one should not blindly follow traditional wisdom or rules of thumb without in-depth understanding. Witnessing and comprehending these phenomena personally is vital.

Simulations with M-STAR CFD offer a compelling and cost-effective way for analyzing different designs of chemical reactors and developing a comprehensive understanding of complex mixing phenomena. This innovative tool empowers us to traverse beyond the traditional boundaries of design exploration.